True Normal

Last week my husband and I stopped for lunch at one of our favorite barbecue restaurants. Instead of the hostess, we were greeted by a handwritten notice . . .

Make May Memorable

May is a month for making memories, especially if you are a nursing student, practicing nurse, or hospital worker.

Upfront and Honest:  A Different Approach to Sales

Life has changed so much when it comes to marketing strategies and sales. I remember . . ..

Determination & Risk

Determination and risk are a pair of characters worth knowing and keeping. If this concept seems strange, let me explain. Risk is probably the most familiar . . ..

Missing Hands

Family holiday time drags so many memories of childhood to the forefront of our minds. Wild chaotic emotions whip us about like . . .

Book Reviews: God's Gold

If a Christian writer inspires and encourages you through their works, your book review is God's gold. Booksellers pay attention to honest, unbiased evaluations.

Spiritual Care Week

October 22-28th is National Spiritual Care (SC) Week 2023. The theme: Chaplaincy & Mental Health: It's healthy to get help!

Distinguishing Gaslighter Flames

Learn about four words to reduce the internal chaos caused by gaslighter tactics. Peace is possible

Gas Lighter Tactics

Gaslighting brings back memories of Gram’s old kitchen oven. Learning to bake and cook beside an expert included strict safety measures. Gram set boundaries and I respected and kept them.