Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Oct 20, 2023

Several years ago I lost a favorite possession - a leather money clip crafted by my friend and co-worker, Caleb. Loss of my clip outweighed the loss of the money.
I hate to churn about things I can't change.

I began to consider the possibility that some unknown person may need
the money more than me. I stopped beating myself with the negative self-talk
about careless stupidity and surrendered. I accepted my loss.
Then months later, I pulled a wool shawl out of the top shelf of my closet when something flew over my shoulder and slapped the tile floor.
You guessed it. I found my missing money clip.
Oh Happy Day!

I felt so blessed, so full of joy, so relieved, so amazed

for a little bit.

Until another loss-thought crept into my lovely rejoicing moment.
"But I know I'll never find the little diamond necklace I lost on vacation twenty years ago."
Laughing at myself, I shook off the negative notion, picked up my precious new-found clip and stuck it in a safe pocket in my purse.

In chapter 34 of A Life Just Like Mine, I share the story of my neighbor who fell through her glass storm door and cut her arm while trimming bushes.

I grabbed a white towel off a set of golf clubs leaning against the brick house

wrapped the wound, and held tight pressure.

What I'm about to share with you is not included in my book. I guess it's a Paul Harvey God story!

The very next day I walked to my neighbor's home to return the clean white golf towel and found a woman landscaper trimming bushes. We exchanged greetings and she said, "For heaven's sakes, don't you know me? I bought your house on Elmridge Drive. So, you live right next door to my friends!"

Weeks later, I found a blue envelope with a handwritten note on my front porch.
It was from the landscaper.
"Dear Donna,
I found this necklace hanging in the register of what I think used to be your
sewing room . . .."

And I cried as scriptures flooded my mind.
Cast all your cares upon me for I care for you. (Even about the little things?)
And He will give you the desires of your heart. (Even after 20 years?)
And He will leave the 99 and go after the one lost sheep. (Even me?)
And nothing is impossible with God.

Oh, How He loves you and me.

Lost, Found, and Loved beyond measure,
Dr. Donna