The Waves of Waiting

The Waves of Waiting

Aug 06, 2024

Have you ever entered any type of contest requesting experts to evaluate your
work? Nomination excites and brings humility. And then you wait.

Waiting whips up waves of wonder.

Will my work be good enough? Am I in over my head? Will I sink or swim?
There are so many people more worthy than me. What on earth was I thinking to even enter this contest? As you know, I am writer and at times I feel as though I am drowning in doubt. I wonder if waves of disappointment lurk around the corner just waiting with evil intent to put me and my pen down.

Writers wait!

Writer's not only play the waiting game but we choose to live in the world of wait and see. We invest time, effort and money into weaving words into books, blogs or newsletters. We expect rejection and stand in awe when acceptance shows up. When negative critical appraisals smack us, people think we have a disease called thick-skin. But I prefer to believe our disease is more about shedding and moving forward with new-skin.

Christian writer's motivation

Christian writers share an intense common desire. We seem programmed to deliver hope to a hurting world. As a spiritual care researcher, I am well aware that many hold to different faith systems, but Christian authors often provide a message that will touch your life despite your faith tradition. We believe sharing the love of God by crafting devotions, historical fiction, romance, Biblical fiction, children's books, memoirs and inspirational living in paperback and audible formats can change lives.

The AWSA Conference

I am thrilled to share the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) blessed me this weekend with the 2024 Golden Scroll Award for my book titled

A Life Just Like Mine as the Memoir of the Year. What an amazing honor. I stood with multiple authors with awards from every category. My heart burst. I may have received an award, but the winners aren't in the picture.

The true winners are our precious readers.

If my words and stories bring God's love, hope and peace into your life, I am so thankful. My award is truly you. Did you know there is a scripture about that?

The apostle Paul wrote these words to the followers of Thessalonica.

"For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and joy."

I Thessalonians 2:19-20 (NKJV)

I praise God for the privilege to write, pray, and love you and your families. I am not nor ever will be a glory seeker! I only want to please my heavenly Father who loves me and I thank Him for you. You support every one of my endeavors. You and God are overwhelming me these days.

Love and prayers,
Your Award Winning Author and Friend,
Dr. Donna